Waiver Requests
The goal for Little League is to provide the opportunity for every child to play
When working with a vast number of players across the country and the world, Little League understands that there are times that individual circumstances need to be considered in the application of our rule and regulations. Upon review of each individual situation, Little League can make an exception for that specific situation to make for the best experience for the players and our leagues.
What is a waiver?
A waiver is a written request to your home league, asking for special consideration of circumstance. Most of these requests are concerning residency and eligibility to play at a particular park. There are some standard Waivers that will be listed below. If you do not see one concerning your particular situation, please feel free to reach out to your home park, which can be found using the Little League League Finder, or to Bishop Christensen, Little League Indiana District 14 Administrator.
Regulation II(d) waiver
In the event that your player begins their Little League career at a park and you move outside of those boundaries, you can continue to play at that park with the completion and approval of a Regulation II(d) Waiver. Prior to registering with the league, notify the league that you have changed addresses from last year and wish to request a II(d) Wavier to continue to play at that park. This waiver is good for the life of the player, unless that player fails to register for the next season. Once service is broken, to continue to play in that park, parents must request an Out Of Bounds Waiver. You can find a copy of the II(d) Waiver by clicking the following link, II(d) Waiver Request.
Remember when submitting for a II(D) waiver, you must submit three proofs of residency with the waiver dates prior to Feb. 1 of the prior season year. Proofs Explanation.
Out of Bounds Waiver Request
- Little League operates its league through a boundary system. If you reside or go to a school within the boundaries of a league you are eligible to play for that Little League. In the event that circumstances make playing for your home league unreasonable, the Out Of Bounds Waiver Process is available. The process is as follows:
- 1.) Parents of player submit an email to their Home park President requesting the player to be released and detailing the reasoning for the release. This information will provide the Park President information to improve their program moving forward.
- This email must include the following information:
- The Player's Name and Date of Birth
- Address
- Current School Address
- Division of Play and years played Little League
- Home Park Presidents:
- Chet Waggoner - Kevin Ridenour - ridenourkevin2@gmail.com
- Cleveland Township - Heather Alexander - cllplayeragents@yahoo.com
- Concord - Casey Latham - caseydavidlehman@yahoo.com
- Elkhart FOP - Jason Ray - fop.ll@yahoo.com
- Goshen - Tony Barkey - goshenlittleleague@yahoo.com
- Middlebury - Jim Rolston - middleburyll@gmail.com
- New Prairie - Candice Scott - newprairielittleleague@gmail.com
- Osolo - Joel Wolfgang - joel.wolfgang@gmail.com
- Southbend Southeast - Emily Kronewitter- regsoutheast@gmail.com
- Southside - Elizabeth Conley - jada.ma27@yahoo.com
- Warren Township - Doug Matthy's - president@warrenll.org
- Warsaw - Cedric Poage - cpoage125@gmail.com
- 2.) The Home Park President will review the request, in some cases with a review committee or the Executive Board, and provide a ruling either affirming or denying the request. In the event of a denial, you can request to be heard by the Home Park Board to plead your case. This a park decision, and District nor Little League has the authority to overturn this ruling.
- 3.) Upon approval of the Release Request from the Home Park, the Home Park will notify the Out of Bounds Park President via email.
- 4.) The Out of Bounds Park President will then review the request and determine if the Out of Bounds Park is willing to accept the player. If the request is denied, the player is then free to play at any other park since they have been released from their home park. This decision is also final and binding. District nor Little League can overturn this ruling.
- 5.) Once the Out Of Bounds Park accepts the Player, the Out Of Bounds Park will submit all correspondance to the District Adminstrator at indianadistrict14waivers@gmail.com for review and approval.
- 6.) Once reviewed and approved by the District Administrator, it will be forwarded to the Little League Charter Committee for review. Once complete, the Charter committee will notify the District Administrator and Parents with an email and letter of disposition.
- Once this information is submitted to the Charter committee, there could be a 3 to 4 week lead time for a response. During this process, the player cannot be registered at the Out Of Bounds Park. In doing so, the Out of Bounds Park risks being placed on Tournament Hold, Charter Hold, or Charter Revocation for violating this procedure. Unless your player has received an approved Out Of Bounds Waiver Request, They are not covered for accident or injury by LIttle League's Accident and Injury Liability Policy. If they are injured while playing out of bounds, parents will be liable for all costs incurred. On a final note, ia player between the ages of 8 and 16 requesting an Out of Bounds, will have a "Redshirt Season". This means for the first season with that park, they are ineligble for All Star Tournament Selection. This is a standard for all waiver resuests, but individual circumstances will be considered on a case by case basis.